

1. 学生就业项目在哪里,什么时候开放?

  • 学生就业计划 is located in the 职业中心 at 231 North 6th St, 哪个在迎宾中心和喷泉旁边. 我们早上8点开门.m.-4:00 p.m. 周一至周五,节假日除外.

2. 我以前从未在学校工作过. 我需要什么文件?

  • You will need to bring original documentation that establishes identity and authorization to work in the U.S. (出生证明除外,禁止复印). 点击 在这里 获取可接受文件的链接.
  • 请注意: an ISU student ID will not work since we allow chosen names to be used instead of only legal names.

3. Can I begin working before I have my paperwork completed along with my original documents?

  • No. All forms must be completed and submitted to 学生就业计划 after accepting and prior to the start of a new job.

4. 我可以传真或扫描我的就业证明文件副本吗?

  • No. 我们必须有原件才能复印. The only exception is that we can accept a certified copy of a birth certificate.

5. 我会吗?.S. 军人身份证可以代替社会保障卡?

  • 即使是美国.S. 军人身份证上有你的社会安全号码, 符合I-9表格和联邦法规, a U.S. Military ID can only be used as a document that establishes identity, or a List B document. 你必须使用原始的社会保障卡, 出生证明原件, 或者是原作, 未过期的护照, 或表格I-9可接受文件清单上的任何其他文件, 作为一份证明雇佣授权的文件.

6. 我这儿没有社保卡,而且我住得很远. 我不想把它送到这里来. 我该怎么办呢??

  • 你可提供另一种形式的文件以供核实. 点击 在这里 to view acceptable documents or you may contact the local Social Security Office to request a new Social Security card.

7. 借记卡是否可以用于银行路由和账户号码验证?

  • No. 它不包含银行帐户的路由或帐户号码.

8. What forms do I need to complete once I acquire a job if I have never worked before at ISU?

  • 在ISU开始工作之前, you will need to complete the following (some will be in-person at 学生就业 and some will be online via employment verification email):

    • 表格I-9(联邦-就业资格验证)*
    • 学生就业资料发布表格*
    • FERPA谅解声明(家庭教育权利) & 隐私法)*
    • 资料保安及电脑用户协议*
    • Drug-Free Workplace Policy* o Employee Data Form* o Criminal Background Check Form (if applicable)*
    • Direct Deposit Authorization Form (you will need your bank routing and bank account number)  
    • W-4 (Federal Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate – 国际 students do not complete this form)
    • WH-4(印第安纳州雇员扣缴豁免和县身份证书)


9. 我怎样才能在校园里找到工作?

  • All jobs are available online through our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. Follow the steps below to apply for a job on campus or off campus at an approved community service agency:

10. 什么是联邦工作学习?

11. 暑假我可以工作几个小时?

  • 学生(公民, 永久居民, and internationals) may work up to 28 hours per week during the summer and not be enrolled in summer classes as long as the student is enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours for the following fall semester or is entering grad school at ISU.

12. 我在春季和秋季学期可以工作多少小时?

  • A student may work up to 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters.

13. 在秋季和春季学期,我可以每周工作超过20小时吗?

  • In an attempt to encourage students to concentrate on being full-time students and part-time employees, ISU encourages students on the Student Payroll to limit their work hours to 20 hours per week regardless of the number of active work assignments they have. 国际 students are forbidden by 部门 of 首页land Security (DHS) to work over 20 hours per week from the first day of the fall semester to the last day of the spring semester. 学生 who have over 31 credit hours may request to work over 20 hours per week per the 小时的指导方针.

14. 我是国际州立大学秋季学期的新生. 我可以在暑假工作吗?

  • A freshman student enrolled in classes for the fall semester may work up to 28 hours per week during the summer prior to the fall semester.

15. Are t在这里 a certain number of credit hours I must take in order to work at ISU?

  • A student must be enrolled in six (6) credit hours during the fall and spring semesters in order to be eligible to work as a student at ISU. The only exception to this rule is when a student is enrolled in their last semester of studies prior to graduating and needs fewer than six (6) credit hours to graduate. If a student drops classes which would put them below six (6) credit hours during a semester, 学生将没有资格为大学工作,除非, 如上所述, 这个学生已经是最后一个学期了.

16. I will be graduating at the end of this semester; can I still work at my student job after graduation?

  • 毕业后, 学生最多可以工作两周, 或者一个全薪期, after graduation if the student is not pursuing graduate studies at ISU during the fall semester. 国际 students are not allowed to work on campus beyond their graduation date. 他们应该联系他们的移民顾问了解其他的就业选择. 如果学生在秋季学期就读研究生课程, the student may continue working a summer student job up to 28 hours per week until fall classes begin.

17. 我在ISU可以做多少份校内工作?

  • 学生 may work up to five (5) jobs at one time while maintaining the 20 (fall and spring)/28 (summer) hour limits.

18. 我不能有直接存款,所以我怎么能得到报酬?

  • 直接存款是强制性的. 拜访位于Rankin Hall的工资部th 408室,或致电(812)237-3533讨论此事 with the department.

19. 我多久发一次工资?

  • 学生每两周的周五通过直接存款支付. 您可以查看学生工资时间表 在这里.

20. 为什么上个发薪期我没拿到工资?

  • 原因可能有很多. If all paperwork was turned in to 学生就业计划 within a reasonable amount of time before a payroll cutoff deadline, 去兰金大楼的工资部看看, 4th 408室,或致电(812)237-3533讨论此事.

21. 我已经工作很长时间了. 为什么我还不能打卡?

  • 为了使用克罗诺斯系统打卡, you must first ensure that your supervisor completed a Hiring Proposal and submitted it to 学生就业计划. Once Payroll receives the Hiring Proposal (usually the next business working day) the information is entered into Banner, 然后,经过一夜的更新,学生应该可以打卡. 由于秋季和春季学期开始时的大量投入, it is possible for Payroll to need more than one day to enter a student's pay information into Banner once a student's Hiring Proposal has been received. Have your supervisor call Payroll at (812) 237-3533 for any Kronos problems you may have.

22. I have completed the 在线 学生就业 Orientation but the system still shows I haven't completed it. 有什么不对吗??

  • 学生 must watch the entire video and score a minimum of 80% on the quiz to be considered complete. 要验证您的完成情况,请完成以下步骤:

    • 选择查看学习计划
    • 向下滚动,直到你看到学生就业计划方向. 会有一张天空的图片,上面写着“蓝天在前方”。. In the status column you will see a green circle if the orientation has been completed.
    • 为你的导师打印完成证书, 选择更多操作, 然后选择查看完成证书.


你有上面没有的问题吗? 将您的问题发送至 isu-student-employment@xiuxianke.net 我们会保持联系的.